The Masterlife Discipleship program focuses on helping a believer to develop a personal, lifelong, obedient relationship with Jesus Christ in which He transforms your character into Christlikeness; changes your values into Kingdom values; and involves you in His mission in the home, the Church, and the world.
The program is a small group meeting that explores the foundational pillars of becoming a disciple over 4 workbooks, that span 6 weeks each.
The program is a small group meeting that explores the foundational pillars of becoming a disciple over 4 workbooks, that span 6 weeks each.
Experiencing God
Experiencing God is based on seven scriptural realities which are God is always at work around you, God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal, God invites you to become involved with Him in His work, God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways, God’s invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action, you must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing, you come to know God by experience as you obey Him and He accomplishes His work through you.
This helps us understand how God is working through us even as we try to fathom His ways, we can begin to clearly know and do His will and discover our lives greatly and gracefully changed.
You are eligible to take the Experiencing God course after successfully completing Masterlife.
The Experiencing God program here at Guiding Light Assembly holds twice in the year which is February & August. The classes meet online and physical.
The meeting times for the classes are as follow:
Tuesdays: 10am – 12pm (In-Person)
Wednesdays: 6pm – 8pm (Online)
Sundays: 8am – 10am (In-Person)
Sundays: 1pm – 3pm(In-Person)
This helps us understand how God is working through us even as we try to fathom His ways, we can begin to clearly know and do His will and discover our lives greatly and gracefully changed.
You are eligible to take the Experiencing God course after successfully completing Masterlife.
The Experiencing God program here at Guiding Light Assembly holds twice in the year which is February & August. The classes meet online and physical.
The meeting times for the classes are as follow:
Tuesdays: 10am – 12pm (In-Person)
Wednesdays: 6pm – 8pm (Online)
Sundays: 8am – 10am (In-Person)
Sundays: 1pm – 3pm(In-Person)
Mind of Christ
The Mind of Christ is an in-depth discipleship study that introduces believers to a lifelong process through which God will renew their minds and their lives to reflect the image of Christ.
Based on Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus," the study shows you how Jesus' mind worked and how the Holy Spirit can teach you to think as He did. The Mind of Christ is also an in-depth to the discipleship study that introduces believers to a lifelong process through which God will renew their minds and their lives to reflect the image of Christ.
You are eligible to take the Mind of Christ course after successfully completing Experiencing God.
The Mind of Christ program here at Guiding Light Assembly holds twice in the year which is February & August. The classes meet online and physical.
The meeting times for the classes are as follow:
Wednesdays: 6pm – 8pm (Online)
Sundays: 1pm – 3pm (In-Person)
Based on Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus," the study shows you how Jesus' mind worked and how the Holy Spirit can teach you to think as He did. The Mind of Christ is also an in-depth to the discipleship study that introduces believers to a lifelong process through which God will renew their minds and their lives to reflect the image of Christ.
You are eligible to take the Mind of Christ course after successfully completing Experiencing God.
The Mind of Christ program here at Guiding Light Assembly holds twice in the year which is February & August. The classes meet online and physical.
The meeting times for the classes are as follow:
Wednesdays: 6pm – 8pm (Online)
Sundays: 1pm – 3pm (In-Person)